white long coated highland cow on green grass field

Where I’ll be at Worldcon Glasgow

I’m so excited to be heading to Worldcon in Glasgow this week. As the GUFF delegate, I’m on quite a bit of programming. I’d love to connect with fans from around the world, so if you do see me, please say hi!

Fan Funds Reception

Thursday 8 August 2024, 17:30

Hall 4 (Other), Duration: 60 mins

A chance to meet and welcome Trans Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF) delegate Sarah Gulde and Get-Up-And-Over (GUFF) delegate Kat Clay. Fan funds exist to bring fans together and strengthen connections across SF fandom worldwide. The event is a chance to share stories from fan fund trips past and present as recounted by delegates, hosts, and fans they met along the way; catch up with old friends and make new ones.

The reception takes place in the fan lounge area of Hall 4.

Genre in Gaming

Friday 9 August 2024, 19:00

Meeting Academy M4

How do the rules of genre become adapted into the literal rules of play? This panel discusses the enduring impact of speculative fiction on videogames, boardgames, and TTRPGs. We will look at which genres adapt well into gaming and why, as well as systems and cool mechanics which offer a unique approach to different subgenres.

Jeopardy! with TAFF and GUFF Delegates

Saturday 10 August 2024, 17:30

We invite our fan funds delegates to a friendly competition to test the extent of their knowledge about science fiction and fantasy, as well as their general knowledge about fandom and Worldcons.

The Anti-Fascist Science Fiction Fan Movement of the 1930s and 1940s

Sunday 11 August 2024, 10:00

In the 1930s and 1940s the Futurians were active in New York, a radical Marxist-influenced group of fans who wanted science fiction to fight fascism and work for the betterment of society. The Futurians included many who would go onto become major authors in their own right. How did they relate to the wider science fiction community? And how did the Futurians navigate the changed political climate of the early Cold War?

Baldur’s Gate 3

Monday 12 August 2024, 11:30

Let’s put our tadpoles together, and discuss the latest installment in the franchise. What parts of D&D did it get right? What could’ve been done better? And who is the hottest pansexual in Faerûn?