Tag: science fiction
Where I’ll be at Continuum 15
Every year I love going to Melbourne’s annual speculative fiction convention. If you’ve never been, it’s where you can go and listen to authors on panels, meet like-minded fans and attend writing workshops (as well as fancy dress and karaoke!). This year, Continuum is at the Jasper Hotel from 7-10 June. You can buy tickets…
Upcoming Appearances: Noir at the Bar and the Science for Science Fiction Conference
I am so excited to have a number of Melbourne appearances in March and April. I’ll be speaking alongside some incredible Australian authors. Whether your interest is in crime or science fiction, there’s something for everyone.
The Best Genre Books I read in 2016
Each year I take some time to reflect on the books I’ve read throughout the year. I read 67 books in 2016, which is a recent record for me. You can see almost all of them on Goodreads, but I wanted to highlight some of the special ones in my unofficial awards below. These books are…
Fans, dragons and point and click adventure games: Continuum 12 Wrap-Up
It’s taken me about a week to recover from Continuum 12 and I thought I better write this up otherwise I’d put it off until next year. It was the first time I sat on the committee for a convention (I only went to my first con two years ago and now I’m kinda addicted).…