Tag: Horror
Who ya gonna call? Ghostwire: Tokyo Review PS5
The relatively simplistic enemies and combat of Ghostwire: Tokyo, and the repetitive nature of side-quests meant I was left disappointed by a great concept.
6 things I learned writing my first Call of Cthulhu game
It has been a life goal of mine to write a game, and at the end of 2021 I made that happen!
The Hammersmith Haunting Call of Cthulhu adventure – out now!
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve published my first ever Call of Cthulhu adventure, The Hammersmith Haunting!
Haunted by the past: The Medium PS5 Full Game Review
The Medium is a psychological thriller game that takes the idea of psychogeographies and follows Marianne’s journey through the ruins of the Niwa Resort, a former Communist holiday park that holds hidden secrets about her past. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t reach its ambitious goals, but there are several narrative devices in the story that are…
You died – again. Returnal PS5 Review
Returnal is a horror roguelike game recently released on PS5, and it’s probably one of the coolest games I’ve played this year. It’s great to see a triple-A game come out that really takes advantage of the full capacity of the PlayStation 5, from sound to lighting to narrative design. But does it live up…