Tag: fantasy
The best books and stories I read in 2022
What were the best books I read in 2022? Find out in my last blog post of the year.
Malibu Stacy with a Helmet: Skyrim Anniversary Edition PS5 Review
Is the Skyrim Anniversary Edition worth your money? I was left with the feeling of that iconic Simpsons episode, where the tween doll Malibu Stacy is re-released – now with helmet!
The Best Genre Books I read in 2016
Each year I take some time to reflect on the books I’ve read throughout the year. I read 67 books in 2016, which is a recent record for me. You can see almost all of them on Goodreads, but I wanted to highlight some of the special ones in my unofficial awards below. These books are…
Fans, dragons and point and click adventure games: Continuum 12 Wrap-Up
It’s taken me about a week to recover from Continuum 12 and I thought I better write this up otherwise I’d put it off until next year. It was the first time I sat on the committee for a convention (I only went to my first con two years ago and now I’m kinda addicted).…
How to do NaNoWriMo (badly)
This November I am attempting the marathon of novelization, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo. For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo is where you try to write 50,000 words in the month of November. It’s short for National Novel Writing Month. Founded in 1999, it is now an international happening forcing writers across the globe to get their letters in…