I am thrilled to see a reprint of my 2018 Aurealis nominated short story, Reef, in the latest anthology from Dead Sea Press. Rampage on the Reef is available now, and proceeds from the sale of the book go to The Shark Trust. 🦈
You might not know that I am very passionate about animal welfare and environmental causes, so I’m really glad to see my work in this charity anthology. This story came out of revisiting the Great Barrier Reef as an adult, and being horrified at how much it had changed since I was a child. I had visited the reef when I was around 12, and remember snorkelling away for a little bit, and being struck by the enormity of the abyss as the reef dropped away.
Fast forward many years, and I revisited the reef. It was so brown and bleached compared to when I’d seen it before. Environmental changes have destroyed much of the aquatic landscape.

Combined that with my experiences backpacking around the world for two years, in and out of youth hostels, and the story Reef was born. This story uses a strong voice – that of Brayson, the chav everyone loves to hate, while he’s on vacation at the Great Barrier Reef. Needless to say, some strong body horror takes place…
And you like sharks, don’t you? Why not pick up a copy of the anthology from your favourite online retailer? 🦈🦈🦈
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