Man posing dressed as an astronaut in skyrocket elevator

I’m speaking at Worldcon this weekend

Worldcon is on right now! This weekend I’ll be speaking on two online panels. You can view the whole Chicon program here.

“You’re not a REAL gamer . . .”

4:00 AM CDT/7:00 PM AEST Sat 3 Sept

The idea of a “serious” or “real” gamer is incredibly toxic. Let’s talk about where we got the idea that one “type” of gamer is more valuable than any other. Then, let’s brainstorm ideas about how to support and validate each other when invalidating voices sneak into our conversations.

Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: The Origins and Influence of New Wave Science Fiction

7:00 PM CDT Sat 3 Sept/10:00 AM AEST Sun 4 Sept

Three contributors to the Hugo nominated book, Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985, will discuss the origins and influence of the “New Wave” of science fiction that coalesced in the second half of the 1960s and, by the 1970s, dominated the genre. It will focus on three key New Wave authors, Philip K. Dick, Judith Merril, and Samuel R. Delany, their interaction with radical cultural and political currents in America and Great Britain, and how these elements were reflected in their books and lives. Featuring Daniel Shank Cruz, Kat Clay, and Erica L. Satifka. Moderated by Dangerous Visions and New Worlds co-editor Andrew Nette.


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