Woman typing on Google Docs on a laptop

How to format your book manuscript in Google Docs

Are you using Google Docs to write a book? Maybe youโ€™re wondering how you should format your manuscript to send to a publisher or agent. If youโ€™re new to writing, maybe you donโ€™t know that there is a right (and a wrong) way to present your manuscript.

Never fear, Iโ€™ve got you covered. This post will show you how to set up your book professionally in Google Docs.

Personally I prefer Word for handling large documents, but thereโ€™s many reasons you might want to format your book in Google Docs, especially if youโ€™re working across many devices. Also, itโ€™s free!

Standard manuscript format

Firstly, itโ€™s helpful to know the standard settings for manuscripts or short stories. This applies to any formatting regardless of the software.

  • Times New Roman or Courier font (I personally prefer Times)
  • 12 point
  • Double spaced
  • 1 inch margins
  • First line of each paragraph hanging (indented)
  • Left alignment
  • Your name/story title/page number in the top right hand corner

The number one tip I can give is to double check requirements for your manuscript with the publisher before submitting โ€“ they will include these requirements with their submission guidelines. But theyโ€™re likely to be standard manuscript format.

Iโ€™m going to use text from my short story โ€˜Lady Loveday Investigatesโ€™ to set up the document. You can do this on an existing manuscript or on a fresh document. If youโ€™re creating a fresh document, Iโ€™d recommend saving it as a template before adding your text, so that you can reuse it in the future.

Formatting the manuscript in Google Docs

Open up Google Docs.

Start a blank document

Rename the document. I like to make sure it is labelled with the DRAFT status, so that I know exactly what copy I’m working on.

Title page

The title page header should include:

  • Your name
  • Address (some places no longer require this)
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Number of words

Double click into the top of the Google Docs page to add this information into the header. Your first page header should be different to the other pages

Centred in the middle of the page in all caps should be the:

  • Title of the book
  • Author

After the title page is complete, you can work on the manuscript itself.


After your title page, headers should be right aligned and include:

  • Your name
  • Title of book
  • Page numbers

Double click into the top of the Google Docs page to add this information into the header. To add page numbers, click the Options button.

This will bring up a menu where you can specify the page numbers. List the start number at 0, so that it skips the title page and your first page of text is labelled 1.

Font and paragraph styles

Change font and size

Convert your text to the following by highlighting it and selecting


  • Times New Roman
  • 12 pt
  • Left aligned (not full)

Chapter headings

  • Times New Roman Italic
  • 12 pt
  • Center aligned

Fix your paragraph styles

To indent your text with the first line hanging, go to: Format > Align & indent > Indentation options.

In the menu, select Special indent > First line

To double space paragraphs select all and go to: Format > Line & Paragraph spacing > Double.

Once youโ€™ve done that, you can use these styles to update the heading and paragraph styles across the board. This will fix any missed formatting, and ensure all your new text is in the right style.

Click on the style you want to update and navigate to Format > Paragraph styles > (the text style you want to update) > Update to match.

Scene breaks

Add a scene break by using a centre aligned hash (#).

Organising chapters

You can start a new chapter or section by inserting a page break. Remember to put your chapter title in Heading 2 format.

Itโ€™s really helpful to keep your chapters organised with heading styles, so that they appear in the sidebar here. While it might not seem like much now, when youโ€™ve got 40 chapters, that navigation pane becomes very handy. Itโ€™s especially useful if youโ€™re writing a non-fiction book with lots of sections and sub-sections. Heading styles also make it easier to export a correctly formatted e-book.

Exporting your document

From here, you can export it as a Word document (.docx) if youโ€™re sending it to publishers, or even an EPUB format if youโ€™re sending it to e-readers.

Now that you know how to format your manuscript correctly in Google Docs, you can be confident that your work will appear professional to editors, agents, and publishers. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below, and Iโ€™ll do my best to answer them.


23 responses to “How to format your book manuscript in Google Docs”

  1. deborah birkin Avatar
    deborah birkin

    Shame no one offers a free basic 6×9 chapter template for formatting a normal novel in google docs, even google docs don’t offer any good templates just fancy cooured stuff and menus that no one wants, too much confusion and messy websites clogging up the internet full of adverts, no wonder etsy sellers are making a fortune selling basic templates that are impossible to find anywhere, i guess i’ll have to go back to etsy and buy one

  2. Maddy Avatar

    This was so helpful. I usually write on the go and I desperately needed some direction to continue my writing. Thank you for taking the effort to post this!

  3. No problem! Glad it could help you out. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Are there folks who i can share my Google Doc book with that will format it for me for a nominal fee ? I need help

  5. Shanell Avatar

    Awesome article, I’m currently working on a novel and needed the guidance!

  6. Hi Ken, I don’t have anyone I can recommend specifically but I’m sure there are people out there.

  7. Fab! Glad it could help!

  8. Kelly A. Avatar
    Kelly A.

    Thank you so much, Kat for doing this. You were SO very helpful. I needed help with formatting. Your video was super easy to listen to and follow. God bless you for this!

  9. My absolute pleasure! Glad it could help ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. ive been a writer along time since school really and my writings evolved but i only just started using paragraphs like 3 years ago which ik is bad but i was a kid now im writing much better my only question is how do i moniterize my chapters if there 3 acts with parts in each chapter i was attempting to lesson the blow of how massive it is

  11. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Well, now I’m even more confused! I have read so many opinions on this, and have been writing My book with 1.15″ line spacing, as I saw elsewhere! I now have 239 pages done, including many pictures, using 12 pt Sans Serif, as was suggested! I am Not starting over! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. It shouldn’t take too much to put it into double spacing, but it depends on your output. This advice is for submitting to publishers and agents, not for something like e-publishing.

  13. Cynthia Thao Avatar
    Cynthia Thao

    Have any idea on how the make the words fit the page instead of leaving gaps after it goes into the next line?

  14. Carolyn Rogers Avatar
    Carolyn Rogers

    Do you think you could do a video on how to properly submit a manuscript for consideration to publish (in general) for publishing houses. How does on format these emails? What should be included? Etc etc. Thank you.

  15. Thank you so much for this, super helpful!! :).

  16. Sarthak Mishra Avatar
    Sarthak Mishra

    very nice

  17. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Thank you so much for the clear and concise directions! When I Started writing I had read so many Conflicting opinions on the ‘right’ way to do everything that I settled on 1.5″ line spacing. Somewhere well past 200 pages I noticed that the spacing had Changed out of the blue and I had to Adjust about 30 pages…with photos!! Ugh! There is No Way I can change everything to Double-space now, at page 353!

  18. Hi Kat – thanks so much! I have a question about formatting chapters. Everything I have read, instructs you to place chapter titles centered half-way or one-third of the way down a blank page and type: Chapter One (or Chapter 1) and type the title below. I am struggling with formatting new chapters because ever time I format a new chapter one-third or one-half down a page, it does not keep the formatting. Inotherwords, if you revise a paragraph, it moves the chapter. Do you know how to keep the new chapter formatting in place regardless of edits made?

  19. I think the most important thing is consistency, and 1.5 spacing isn’t so bad. It’s close enough to double that you don’t need to worry about it. Good luck with your project!

  20. Hi Irene, it sounds like you’re formatting for print or publication. This tutorial is for submitting to a publisher, which doesn’t require the chapter headings to be down the page. Not sure how to help in this instance but using page breaks may help.

  21. Aimee Greenberg Avatar
    Aimee Greenberg

    Hi Kat,
    I wrote my book in google docs without formatting. Should I set up the book as you suggest, then copy and paste the book into the formatted doc? Also, do I have to convert to WORD for agent/publisher submission? I’ve heard this create many formatting issues including incorrect spaces and tenses. Thanks! Aimee

  22. You will definitely need to format your book before submissions. I would just format the doc you already have. I don’t think agents usually accept Google Docs – it’s best to submit in Word. But I think you can export a DOCX file from Google Docs.

  23. Shanterra Mitchum Avatar
    Shanterra Mitchum

    not sure if you already answered this. but how do I do subtitles my chapters have journal entries as well

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