Category: Creativity
How to conquer self-doubt for writers
Self-doubt can be a creative writing killer. Here’s how to stop worrying about what people think and start writing.
How to start a beautiful book journal
As an avid reader, I’ve kept a book journal since I was a kid. Whether it was scribbled notes in an exercise book about something I’d read, to my more formal adult journals, I take a lot of pleasure in keeping track of the books I read. While it’s great to have a Goodreads account,…
Did I reach my goals in 2017? And my 2018 goals…
The real answer? Yes and mostly no. But I had a pretty good year anyway. That’s the short version. Looking back on 2017, I felt like the first half of the year was crazy good. I got shortlisted for a Ditmar Award, longlisted for the Debut Dagger and had two short story publications. And then……
Stop daydreaming and start doing: Setting your creative goals
If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say “I’d love to do xyz, but I don’t have [insert excuse here]” I wouldn’t need to work. I can count on one hand the number of people in my university classes who stuck with film-making and writing. I was one of them. Now…
How To Be Creative (When You’re Not A Creative Person)
Have you ever said to yourself, I’d love to be creative, but I’m just not that sort of person? As a full-time creative professional, I hear this wish expressed all the time. I wish I was creative. I wish I could do what you do. Creativity can seem like the daunting domain of people with…
Inspiring Places: Abbotsford Convent
In the middle of Melbourne is a hidden place, accessible only by magic doorway… well, it seems that way, but you can also walk from Collingwood Station. No special train platform is required to visit Abbotsford Convent, but it sure feels like you’ve stepped into Hogwarts or Brakebills.