I’m starting a new section on my blog to discuss some of the tools that help foster creativity in a practical way. The first book I’m featuring is Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction. Written by weird fiction author…
Supanova 2015: In Pictures
Last weekend I attended Supanova in Melbourne, one of the biggest pop-culture conventions in Australia. I’ve been a couple of times before and always enjoy getting to meet authors and artists, as well as cosplay (did I mention I love…
Inspiring Places: Abbotsford Convent
In the middle of Melbourne is a hidden place, accessible only by magic doorway… well, it seems that way, but you can also walk from Collingwood Station. No special train platform is required to visit Abbotsford Convent, but it sure…
5 Digital Tools for Distraction Free Writing
He swept in through the front door, shirt torn as lightning flashed – hang on, my twitter stream’s buzzing, OH MY GOODNESS IT’S A CAT!!! If that sounds like your writing process, then it might be time to get some…
How embracing minimalism has enhanced my creativity
Since returning home after two years of travel, I’ve embraced a minimalist lifestyle. What does that look like, you wonder? I’ll get there… Living out of a backpack helped me understand that I don’t need a lot of stuff to live…
A Year of Good Reading
Each year I choose a classic author to read the entire works of, which I have dubbed my “Year of Good Reading” challenge. In the last year I read my way through the complete works of Jane Austen, although I still…