Being a lover of dramatic overdressing and crime, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the TV show that is Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Based on the book series by Kerry Greenwood, Miss Phryne Fisher, lady detective, seems to…
What people are saying about Double Exposure
My debut novella Double Exposure is just about to be launched and I’ve received some fantastic reviews so far.
Continuum 11 Wrap Up
It’s been a week and a half since Continuum finished but it feels like a lifetime! I had a great time at the convention meeting fabulous authors and sitting on a number of panels. It had a good cosy feeling…
Continuum 11
I’m excited to be speaking at Continuum 11 in Melbourne on the Queen’s birthday long weekend. If you’re going to the con, please come and say hi! You can also be one of the first to get your hands on…
Melbourne UNESCO City of Literature Travel Fund
I am delighted to announce that I have been awarded a grant through the Melbourne UNESCO City of Literature Travel Fund! I’m incredibly excited for this career opportunity to travel to America in August. The travel fund is for people in the…